Blog posts on Data Science, Machine Learning, Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence, Spark Machine Learning

Friday, December 25, 2015

Data Science with R

As R programming language becoming popular more and more among data science group, industries, researchers, companies embracing R, going forward I will be writing posts on learning Data science using R. The tutorial course will include topics on data types of R, handling data using R, probability theory, Machine Learning, Supervised – unSupervised learning, Data Visualization using R, etc. Before going further, let’s just see some stats and tidbits on data science and R.

"A data scientist is simply someone who is highly adept at studying large amounts of often unorganized/undigested data"

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Item Based Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems in R

In the series of implementing Recommendation engines, in my previous blog about recommendation system in R, I have explained about implementing user based collaborative filtering approach using R. In this post, I will be explaining about basic implementation of Item based collaborative filtering recommender systems in r.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Data Mining Standard Process across Organizations

Recently I have come across a term, CRISP-DM - a data mining standard. Though this process is not a new one but I felt every analyst should know about commonly used Industry wide process. In this post I will explain about different phases involved in creating a data mining solution.

CRISP-DM, an acronym for Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining, is a data mining process model that includes commonly used approaches that data analytics Organizations use to tackle business problems related to Data mining. Polls conducted at one and the same website (KDNuggests) in 2002, 2004, 2007 and 2014 show that it was the leading methodology used by industry data miners who decided to respond to the survey.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Introduction to Logistic Regression with R

In my previous blog I have explained about linear regression. In today’s post I will explain about logistic regression.
        Consider a scenario where we need to predict a medical condition of a patient (HBP) ,HAVE HIGH BP or NO HIGH BP, based on some observed symptoms – Age, weight, Issmoking, Systolic value, Diastolic value, RACE, etc.. In this scenario we have to build a model which takes the above mentioned symptoms as input values and HBP as response variable. Note that the response variable (HBP) is a value among a fixed set of classes, HAVE HIGH BP or NO HIGH BP.

Logistic regression – a classification problem, not a prediction problem:

In my previous blog I told that we use linear regression for scenarios which involves prediction. But there is a check; the regression analysis cannot be applied in scenarios where the response variable is not continuous. In our case the response variable is not a continuous variable but a value among a fixed set of classes. We call such scenarios as Classification problem rather than prediction problem. In such scenarios where the response variables are more of qualitative nature rather than continuous nature, we have to apply more suitable models namely logistic regression for classification.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Exposing R-script as API

R is getting popular programming language in the area of Data Science. Integrating Rscript with web UI pages is a challenge which many application developers are facing. In this blog post I will explain how we can expose R script as an API, using rApache and Apache webserver.
rApache is a project supporting web application development using the R statistical language and environmentand the Apache web server.